Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finding rest.... dreaming of Wal-Mart picture frames

This morning I am longing for a Venti! Especially after I read Court's facebook post that, "It's a Venti kind of morning!" I totally second that! Eden's cutting her top two teeth so, the past few weeks she has been waking up between 12-2 a.m. Last night she didn't wake all night long, but unfortunely my body is like Pavlov's dog. The clock strikes midnight and I'm wide awake. Blahhh!!! I'm tired!!!

Good things come from not finding rest.... like decorating ideas. So, I dreamed up a Wal-Mart trip at about 1:20 a.m. while waiting for Sweet E to awaken for her night cap. I dislike going to Wally World for shopping. But, I'd like to get some really cheap frames, print off some more family pictures, and hang them around the playroom. I  want to spend less than $20 for the entire project, so why not a Wal-Mart run?! Espcially since I've tried to stay home as much as possible this week!


  1. Oooo Oooo I want to come to wal-mart with you and get lots of cheap frames.. then on the way home hit up a starbucks!

    I love that you are blogging!!! can't wait to read more.
    love you!

  2. Uh, when were you going to tell me you are blogging? I just happened to randomly notice a blog address on your FB page and checked it out and yep, sure enough, here you are! So happy to see your pics and hear how well Grady is doing! Love you!

  3. I know Kate! I thought about telling you guys, but I just hadn't had a chance to email it out to you all. I love reading y'all's blog post! And then following the people that you guys follow. It's been a great way for me to feel connected to the outside world! I love reading about other people's lives, including y'all's! Love you guys and thanks for reading!

  4. And Amanda, I didn't find any great frames. I wanted white and they just had cheap $5 black frames. Bummer... I instead used my $20 to let Evie pick out toys from the clearance rack:) It brought great joy to my heart to see her face light up getting to pick out her new toys.
