Monday, September 20, 2010

It's the Little Things....

Isn't it the little things that make life grand?

I love that Eden loves chewing on frozen blueberries, bananas, and cherries. It makes us all smile because she makes such a mess and it's fun watching her gnaw on these fruits like they are her last source of food:-)

I love how Eden is starting to pose when the camera comes near her sweet face. She looks so much like her aunts and her lashes are to die for! At this stage she loves sucking her thumb, feeding herself cheerios, and dancing with her momma!

And I love that Evie and Eden are beginning to play together. If I'm holding Eden, or if Eden is in the exersaucer, Evie will ask, "Eden play, momma, Eden play?". She wants me to put Eden on the ground so that she can chase Eden around. They laugh out loud at each other and it makes me smile.

Last, I love that Grady has now been home from the hospital for 2 consecutive weeks in a row! This is the longest period of time he has been out of the hosptial since May and I'm loving it. Not only is it nice to have my husband here with me at night and on the weekends, it is wonderful for the girls to have their daddy home to play with them.

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