Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lullabye Radio and Grunts

Emmaline has been listening to Lullabye Radio since day 2 of her little life. I put it on in the hospital while she was sleeping next to me and I was doing homework. Every night we sleep with this station and makes us both sleep like a baby. Emmaline doesn't cry when she gets hungry. She grunts like a grown man. It is funny and so different than Evie and Eden were when they got hungry. They were screaming as soon as they woke up hungry. It takes a lot for Emmaline to cry for milk. Last night she gave me an almost 6 hour stretch! She's almost five weeks old. Thank you, Lord for this little laid back blessing!

On the other hand, my two older ones are in competition on who can be held by me the most. I am worn out by this game. They are in MDO right now. A much needed break for me! Evie cried off and on for two hours about what she had to wear. Eden melted down as we went into school and hit her head on the floor throwing her tantrum. Whew! I need some R&R and a vacation!

I'm really trying to love this stage. We did it to ourselves by having them super close together. I know I'll appreciate it in the future when they are all playing together in the playroom or doing other stuff together that siblings with more years in between them would not be so apt to do. I just have to keep this vision in mind as I struggle to carry three babies into church, MDO, and a few other places by myself. And I don't even do it that often. I had to do it today and I am spent! This is my reality right now.

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