Friday, January 28, 2011

Who is this person?

Sometimes, when I'm thinking about having more children, I think about who will this person be or become? I think this about Evie and Eden often. I have a small glimpse of who Evie is. She is my strong-willed, funny, deep thinking, lovable soul. Eden is still mysterious to me. I see a "throw all caution to the wind" in her physical actions. Yes, she is accident prone. She loves to cuddle, grab a hand full of hair and suck her thumb! She gets super excited when she sees me and loves on me so well. I gladly welcome the cuddling.

I wonder who these little girls will become and if there is another baby for us in the future! My mom blessed me and my sister with a special blessing every night before we went to bed growing up. She put together a compilation of Scriptures when I was a baby. My sister, mom, and I would say it together in unison each night as we were tucked into bed. I now pray this blessing over my girls each night at bedtime:

You are obedient disciples taught unto the Lord. Great shall be your peace and undisturbed composure. As you are trained up in the way you should go, you shall grow old and not depart from it. You are blessed coming in and blessed going out and everything you set your to do will be blessed. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. And greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You are the head and not the tail. You are above and not below and nothing by any means shall ever harm you. Amen!

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